Wednesday, July 18, 2007

New World Flamenco Festival

La Flor de la Vida – The Prime of Life

August 10-19, 2007

Three U.S. premieres

De Grana y Oro – Aug 10-12

A Fuego Lento – Aug 14-15

Las Cosas de Caí – Aug 17-19

The New World Flamenco Festival is pleased to announce three U.S. premieres for the 2007 edition of the festival that will take place at Irvine Barclay Theatre August 10-19, 2007.

The New World Flamenco Festival has fostered a trend that is being noticed around the world – flamenco has a stylistic variety and point of view as rich as anything found in contemporary dance. One of the hallmarks of this festival is its ability to convince established flamenco artists, stars of their generation, to create or bring new and exciting works to premiere at the festival.

Past festivals have paid homage to mainstream trendsetters, leaders, and quite simply, great flamenco artists. It is therefore natural that the 2007 edition devotes an entire festival dedicated to the truly promising, young talent on the horizon. This year the festival gives three of Spain’s rising stars the chance to make their mark in the U.S.

More than 6,000 people attend the New World Flamenco Festival every August from all over the Americas and Europe. Café Flamenco takes place on the plaza in front of the theatre before and after every performance. Festival-goers can come early, sample Spanish cuisine and meet new friends. After the performance the artists come and mingle with the festival crowd to the festive sounds of flamenco guitar.

The theme of this year’s festival, La Flor de la Vida [The Prime of Life], certainly describes the explosive talent and vitality of the artists of the 2007 edition. Each of these artists has paid their dues as a principal dancer in major companies; gone on to form highly regarded companies of their own and scored stunning successes in Spain’s major festival – two just this past winter at the Festival de Jerez.

We have also posted video on YouTube --

The festival will again include classes and workshops taught by the artists appearing in the festival.

Photo by Dean Thomas
